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General Rules


1. All students are required to wear the prescribed uniform on all working days and at College functions.
GIRLS : White full Sleeved Blouse, Navy Blue Tunic, White Knee Length Socks, Plain Black Shoes, House Colour Tie and Belt.
BOYS: White Full Sleeved Shirt, Navy Blue Pants (Short Pants for Boys upto Class III) White Socks, Black Shoes, Tie and Belt of House Colour. (Bows instead of ties for students upto class III).
GIRLS : White Skirts, T–Shirts of house colours, White knee length Socks, Shoes House Colour and House colour Belt.
BOYS : T–Shirts of house colours, White full pants, (Short Pants for boys upto class III), Socks, Shoes of House colour, Belt Navy Blue, Turbans for Sikh Students.
BOYS : Navy Blue Trousers/Full Pants for all students. White Full Sleeved Shirt. Navy Blue Blazers with college crest, Navy Blue “V” Neck sweater full/half sleeves with two yellow stripes on neck and wrist may be worn. Boys should have their hair cut at regular intervals. No streaks & spikes allowed.
GIRLS : White full Sleeved Blouse, Navy Blue Tunic, White Knee Length Socks, Plain Black Shoes,Blazers, House Colour Tie and Belt. Navy Blue “V” Neck sweater full/half sleeves with two yellow stripes on neck and wrist may be worn. Girls should plait their hair if it is below the shoulders.
Children in improper uniform will not be permitted to attend classes.


1. The Academic Year will be divided into two terms for I-XII :

First Term March September
Second Term October February

2. Examinations will be held at the end of each term.
3. Appearance at these examinations is compulsory. A child who is absent for any examination will be given a zero Promotion to the next class will be on the basis of the marks obtained in these examinations and day to day work.
4. Medical Certificate is no guarantee for promotions.
5. Candidates will be disqualified from the examination if caugth cheating or detected giving or obtaining or attempting to give or obtain unfair assistance or have in their possession any unwanted cheating material related to the examination.
6. Attendance of each student will be calculated every month. 80% attendance is compulsory failing which the student will not be allowed to appear for the half yearly/final examination.
7. No Retesting in Examinations will be permitted.
8. A student who makes any alterations in the marks entered in the Report Card or in the answer scripts will be made to leave the college.
9. The promotion of students will be based on the examination results and work done throughout the year.
10. Promotion refused will not be reconsidered. Parents/Guardians are requested not to approach the staff and the Principal in this connection.
11. All doubtful cases regarding promotions are left entirely to the discretion of the Principal. His decision shall be final and binding to all and no interview in this connection will be granted.
12. The college does not undertake the responsibility to retain answer scripts for more than six months.
13. Students failing for two successive years will have to leave college and will not be allowed to repeat for the third time.


Strict disciplinary action will be taken against indisciplined students. Also strict PROMOTION RULES will be followed from 2015-2016 onwards.
As per the council norms it is mandatory that in order to be promoted the students must-
1. Have minimum 75% attendance.
2. Pass in English.
3. Acquire minimum passing marks in the aggregate of both half yearly and final examinations.
Marks in the Half Yearly and Final Examination will be deducted on the following points :
1. Irregularity of attendence.
2. Coming late to school.
3. Bringing mobile phones to school.
4. Leaving the class room without proper permission of the teacher.
5. Disturbing the class while teaching is going on.
6. Improper uniform and keeping an untidy appearance.
7. Indulging in fights inside and outside school.
8. Using abusive and filthy language.
9. Being disobedient.
10. Incomplete class assignments, home work and project work.
Similarly disciplined and regular students will be rewarded suitably.


Various Co-curricular activities will be organized throughout the year. Competitions in Essay writing, Extempore speech, Elocution (Hindi+English) Debates (Hindi and English) Art Batik and Collage will be held.
Basket Ball, Cricket, Badminton and Football Tournaments will be held.
Prayer Services, Dramas, Fancy Dress, Excursions, Picnics, Educational Tours, Conducting the assembly, Teaching and participation in administration.
1. Students are expected to participate in all college activities in pure team spirit.
2. Children must learn to work and Play together. Team spirit is necessary and healthy in all spheres of college life.
3. Participation in Inter House activities and College functions is obligatory. Failure to comply with this is punishable as deemed fit by the Principal.


1. If a student is late to school, parents will be called and the child will be sent back home with them.
2. Children will not be allowed to go home during school hrs. In an emergency (Only in case of death/unrest in the city) they will be allowed to go along with their parents only not with any relative. In case the parent is unable to come, an authority letter is must for any relative who will come to collect the child.
3. Politeness, courtesy, regularity and implicit obedience are expected at all times.
4. Punctuality : All the students must report to college at least 10 minutes before the starting time. The first bell is the reporting time for students Students will not be allowed to join college after interval/second half except in an emergency.
5. General Assembly is compulsory for all.
6. Students should maintain absolute silence during Morning Assembly, and while moving from or to class rooms. Silence should be observed while moving to or from P.T. Classes and the library.
7. The school has the right to take disciplinary action against a student whose diligence or progress in studies is unsatisfactory or whose conduct has a bad influence on other students.
8. Students must not damage college property. They must not write on the walls or on the desks. Throwing of ink or paint is a punishable offence. Any damage done to college property must be made good by payment or replacement.
9. Students are responsible to the college authorities not only for their behaviour and conduct in the college but also for their general behaviour and conduct outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct outside or in the college on the part of a student will make him/her liable to disciplinary action.
10. The college does not accept responsibility for the loss of any property i.e. Books, Money, Clothes, other valuables etc.
Students should not bring cell phones, Periodicals transistors, radio, tape recorders and other valuables to the college. Children are not allowed to wear any ornaments. A heavy fine will be imposed on a student found using/carrying a cellphone during school hours.
11. Students must always speak in English while in college and maintain a high standard in their conversation.
12. In the absence of the teacher the Prefect/Monitor of the class assumes responsibility. He/She should do his/her duty with loyalty and impartiality.
13. No student will be permitted to leave the college premises during class hours. Parents/Guardians should obtain a written permission from the Principal for any emergency.
14. All text books and exercise books must be covered with brown paper and labelled.
15. The college authorities will not be responsible for children after class hours, in the college or outside the college gate. In the Nursery/Primary section teachers are kept on duty to take care of only these children who have elder brother/sisters till college hours.
16. Parent Teacher meetings will be held on the last Saturday of every month, during which the progress of the wards may be discussed.
17. Parents/Guardians of children in the college are requested to sign as having seen:-
(a) The notice sent out Periodically
(b) The assignment given to the child for out of class hours.
(c) Exercise books in which work has been assessed.
(d) Report cards.
18. Written consent of the Principal is necessary in all cases of private tuitions failing which disciplinary action may be taken. All private tuitions must stop at least seven days before the examination in all the classes. No teacher will take up a new tuition in the last term.
19. In all correspondence with the college name, class section of the child must be clearly stated. Parents/Guardians should write their names below their signatures.
20. Students are urged to strive always to uphold the name of the college and its staff.
21. At the beginning of each session if the students is absent for the first three days without leave or prior information his/her name may be struck off the college scholar Register. Readmission may be considered only if vacancy exists.
22. The college will not allow students with two wheelers to enter without license and helmet.


1. Practice for sports and Games will be held in the college premises in the evenings. Attendance at these practices is compulsory. Students of classes 4–6 to be escorted by parents or guardians to and from the school.


1. Strict silence must be maintained in the laboratories at all times i.e. during practicals as well as at other times.
2. No. chemicals or equipment except the ones provided for practicals should be handled by the students.
3. Students are warned not to take any chemicals or equpiment out of the laboratories without the written permission of the teacher incharge.
4. Loss/Damage of equipment or breakage will have to be made good by the students by payment or replacement.


1. Parents/Guardians are expected to cooperate with the college authorities. They are expected to take interest in the cocurricular programmes of the college.
2. They must ensure that their children have prepared their lessons well and have completed their homework if any before coming to college.
3. They must check the college diary for any reports made by the teachers and sign the report if any.
4. Parents/Guardians must check the hair, uniform and punctuality of their wards. Parents/Guardians must sign the note books of their wards once in a fortnight to ensure that corrections have been made by the student and the periodic progress has been checked.
5. All leave applications of students must be sent to the class teachers who will verify the parents signatures and will send them to the Principal’s office with the class teacher’s remarks and signatures.
6. Parents are specially requested to notify the college of any change in their address and phone number.


1. All fees to be paid in the Indian Overseas Bank Raj Bhawan Branch.
2. All fees to be paid by crossed cheque in favour of Christ Church College.
N. B. Behind the cheque please note the following :
a) Bill Book No. b) Address c) Contact Number
3. Fee defaulters will not be allowed to appear for the examination until all dues of the college are paid at least 5 days before the examination.
4. If fee is not paid for Ist/IInd/IIIrd Quarters in the banks in time then Parents/Guardians must contact the college office for the pending payments of the previous months.
5. All pending payments will be accepted only by Demand Draft (Including fine if any). No cash will be accepted at the college office.
6. Half Yearly/Full Yearly Payment may be made by Demand Draft/Account Payee Cheque in the college office upto 11 a.m. Bounced unpaid returned cheques will not allow the child to continue his/her studies in college.
7. A fine of Rs. 100 will be charged in case the fee book is lost.
Bank Timings : 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
(on full working days)


1. One month’s notice must be given from the day of submitting the duly filled prescribed T.C. form available in the college office before a student is withdrawn from the college. One month’s full fee must be paid in lieu of one months’s notice. Students absent for a longer period and applying for T.C. will be charged full fee upto the day of submitting the T.C. applications form plus one month’s notice or one months’ full fee as the case may be.
2. Depositing fee in Indian Overseas Bank, Rajbhawan Branch, Lucknow does not entitle the child to be on the Nominal Roll/Scholar’s Register of the College.
3. Name of the fee defaulter may be struck off the Nominal Roll of the College after the 10th of the following month.
4. Readmission cases may be considered only if vacancy exists Re admission fee will be calculated at the time of Readmission.
5. A fine of Rs. 100 will be charged if the college diary is lost.
a) Transfer Certificate Rs. 100/-
6. Loss of Report Card Rs. 50/-. Fee Book Rs. 100/-.


Students seeking admission in class XI must have the minimum percentage required and a separate character certificate. They have to strictly abide by the college rules and maintain discipline failing which they may be asked to leave at any time

The Principal has the right to change/alter/accept or reject any application for admission without assigning any reason thereof.

The Principal reserves the right to alter or change or waive off any of the rules contained in this book without assigning any reason for his action.

About Us

Christ Church College originally a tiny Anglo Indian School was founded in 1878 by Mr. H. McConoghey with only two students at Cantonment Road, Lucknow. The School was registered under the name of Christ Church McConoghey School Society, Lucknow under the societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 and governed by the Diocese of Lucknow C.N.I. having its head office at 25 M.G. Road, Allahabad.

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